Q: What and when?
Judo basics twice a week, Wed 19:00 and Sun 18:30 at Unisport Porthania.
You can start the course any time between September and beginning of November in the autumn season and between January and beginning of March in the spring season! It’s possible to participate at the trainings until your orange belt as there is a ‘jatko’-course at the same that that builds on the basic course techniques. You’re allowed to participate in the other trainings at FinnDai after you have your yellow belt. The time for the belt exam will be after you have attended around 20 trainings.
Q: How much does this cost?
The basic course itself is free. However, in order to get your yellow belt and attend the other FinnDai trainings you need to be a member and thus pay the membership wee (Students 110€/year, others 270€/year, license (with an insurance) 120€/year). It’s possible to opt to pay both the membership fee and the license every half a year and there are other flexible payment options. We recommend that you buy the membership right away when you know that you’ll continue on the course so that you will get the insurance.
Other fees will be the judo-gi (usually under 100€), and before the belt exam you need to pay 40€ for a judopass.
Q: I can’t make it to every training/I had a long pause, can I still continue?
Yes! The course will be continuing untill the end of spring and there’s a lot of revision. So Even if you would be able to make only once a week or have a longer pause that is still alright. You can continue going to the course until you have participated in around 20 trainings in order to attend a belt exam.
Q: Judo-gi?
We recommend that you don’t buy the cheapest option for the judo suit as they can tear easily. The around 70-80€ gis are already of good quality and suitable for trainings. If you know you want to compete, it’s recommended to buy a competition suitable gi, ask recommendations from coaches. There are multiple stores selling gis in Helsinki and you can find them easily on google. We recommend washing the gi at least once a week. In the beginning you can just wear regular sport wear to the training (note that shorts are not recommended).
Wearing a bjj-gi to the training is fine but you need to have a white gi for the belt exam.
Q: What happens at the course/what is needed to pass the belt exam?
In order to pass the belt exam you need to be able to perform ukemi (breakfall), three throws and three groundtechniques. In addition to these you will learn grip fighting, fighting stance and movement, offence and defence in both ground fighting and standing.
The aim of the course is to gain skills to perform sparring (randori) at the training and that you are ready to attend the trainings with upper belts. You will also gain a good stamina and many other good side effects from the trainings.
Q: Who is judo for?
Judo is excellent sport for all the competitive people who like to challenge themselves. There are plenty of possibilities to compete, also in veteran competitions. However, competing isn’t mandatory, although highly recommended as a form of training.
Q: Communication channels?
FinnDai has a Facebook and Whatsapp-groups and we recommend you to join them. All the important training, competition, and other events related communication will be shared there. As well as some occasional videos on techniques and events. Basic course has its own Whatsapp group where all the important announcements considering the course will be made.