Helsinki University Judo Club FinnDai

FinnDai is the University of Helsinki Judo Club; open to all University Students and and non-students in the Helsinki region. We do competitive Judo with an athletic spirit. Also Sauna and social events.

For most recent updates on trainings we recommend you to join our Facebook group for members:

Or our closed WhatsApp group. You can join the group via link in the notification section of the Facebook group or by asking an invite link by sending a message to one of the coaches or committee members or by sending a message via the contact form at ‘Yhteystiedot-> Ota yhteyttä/palaute’.


We have trainings in two locations: Urhea Olympic training center in Vallila (Mäkelänkatu 47) and UniSport Porthania in Kaisaniemi (Yliopistonkatu 3).

Sign in to trainings online at

Accessing Urhea training center

There’s limited access to the training facilities. When you’re coming to test the trainings for the first time, contact one of the instructors or committee members in order to get in. For following trainings you’re able to get access rights to your HSL-travel card after you have paid the membership or visitor fee (the app isn’t sufficient, you need physical card. Those can be bough in R-kioski/Alepa/S-market in addition to HSL customer service). Update the access rights to your card at the customer service desk in Urhea.

Training times:

Mon 19:30-21:00 Urhea, sporty judo training, technique and randori

Wed 19:00-20:30 Porthania (Basic course)

Thu 19:00-20:30 Urhea, newaza training

Fri 18:30-20:00 Urhea, randori training

Sun 18:30-20:00 Porthania (Basic course)

Basic Course Autumn 2024

Next FinnDai’s judo basic course for adults (15-years and older) starts on 11.09.2024.

If you miss the start don’t worry! You can join the course after the start date. You can start any time between September and beginning of November in the Autumn season and between January and beginning of March in the spring season.

At the basic course you will learn all the basics of judo in a safe and fun way: learn to breakfall, and different throwing and ground work techniques.

Trainings are twice a week in UniSport Porthania (Yliopistonkatu 3)

Wednesday 19:00-20:30

Sunday 18:30-20:00

The basic course is free of charge but in order to have an insurance and to participate in the belt exam and our other training after that, you need to get the club membership. See the fees and instruction below.

In the beginning regular sportswear is enough for the course, but later it’s recommended that you’ll buy a judo-gi. You can ask advice from instructors regarding this. In addition, take with you a water bottle, a small towel for cleaning your feet before training and sandals to wear when going from locker rooms to tatami.

For safe training, remove any jewellery that could tear, keep your nails short and long hair tied. Also follow the current corona virus recommendations, take care of good hand hygiene and don’t come to trainings if sick. If unfortunate enough and you find yourself corona positive, please let the instructors know and tell them the last time you were training.

Questions? Contact the course’s main instructor or fill the contact form in tab ‘Yhteystiedot’ -> ‘Ota yhteyttä/Palaute’

Training fees

FinnDai membership and visitor fees for 2022-2023 :

Basic membership270€135€
VIP membership290€145€
Student membership110€55€
+judo license (includes insurance)120€65€
Visitor fee*80€40€
*Visitor fee is for those who are already members of some other Finnish judo club and want to also train at ours

All the fees will be collected through suomisport. The only exception is the visitor fee that can be paid either in suomisport or straight to club’s bank account:

FinnDai ry

IBAN FI17 1271 3000 0826 30

Remember to write your first and last name and that the payment is a visitor fee to the message section when doing the payment eg. “Visitor fee/ John Smith”.

Suomisport :

This year the membership fee consists of the fee for our club + license that has to be bought separately. You can do both in suomisport.

  1. First choose the membership class and whether you want to pay the fee for the whole year at once or separately for autumn and spring by clicking one of the links below. This takes you to a site where you can ask to be a member. If you don’t have a suomisport account you should be able to do it first after clicking the link.
  2. After you have been accepted as a member, you can see and pay the membership fee by clicking the ‘payments’ option on your front page. There are several payment options you can choose from. (Some people have had problems paying with mobilepay when paying with suomisport app)
  3. Buy the license. You can buy it for the whole year (120€) or for each season (65€/season) separately.
    • On the front page you see ‘Would you like to purchase a license or insurance policy?’ and under it ‘to purchase’.
    • Next choose that you are buying ‘License/pass or license/pass with insurance’
    • Sport: judo
    • Choose your license
    • Write the name of the club
    • Continue to payment
      • For some reason you can see the text ‘No insurance’ on top when buying the license, this does include the insurance and the text is just something that shows to everyone and apparently can’t be removed.

Other fees

These fees will be paid to the club’s bank account (information above). Write your full name and what the fee is for in the message section.

Judopass fee: After the basic course, before your first belt exam, pay the 40€ fee for a judo pass in order to participate in the belt exam.

Belt exam fee for 4.-2. kyu (orange-blue belt) is 25€. Pay the fee before your belt exam and take the receipt with you to the exam.